Become an Ikigai Influencer

Promote the Ikigami App and become part of a visionary movement.

Next Stop: Ikigai

As an Ikigai Influencer, you make the impossible possible. Support the Ikigami App and help people worldwide unleash their true potential. Together, we ignite sparks and stoke a fire that provides direction and inspiration.

Are you ready to promote the Ikigami App and inspire people worldwide? Then apply now and become part of this revolutionary movement. Let’s achieve greatness together!

Apply now!

Simply fill out our form, and we will get in touch with you to discuss the cooperation opportunity.

Ikigami Master Mind Mentoring:
Sei dabei!

Trage dich jetzt unverbindlich ein und entdecke, im intensiven 5-wöchigen Gruppencoaching wie du dein Ikigai findest.

Wenige verfügbare Plätze für einen Start ab April und Mai 2024!